Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Creeping Crud

I have a terrible cold. I've been fighting it for over a week, but with all of the activity & running around over the past week, it managed to catch me by last Friday. We went & did all of our grocery & Yule shopping that day, because I knew if we didn't, I wouldn't feel well enough to do that much the next day. Even at that, I just kind of felt crappy until very early Tuesday morning, when my ears & throat wouldn't stop itching and my head was pounding. We had one packet of cold medicine left, so I took it in the morning & sent a text message to Troy to ask him to stop at the store on his way home for more.

I managed to get some sewing done and a lot of sitting on my butt, watching TV, too. All I really wanted to do was crank up the space heater and go to bed until Troy got home, but I couldn't do that, I'd be in too much pain to sleep that night, so I did what I could & tried to make it through the day. Thankfully, dinner was just spaghetti & all I had to do was heat sauce & cook noodles.

I'm feeling a bit better today, even if that's just because I have cold medicine to help me get through the worst of it. I hope to get our Yule aprons mostly sewn today, so that tomorrow I can just finish the edges & be done, but we'll see & I'm not going to push myself further than I feel well enough to go. I'm just going to take it a little at a time and do what I can.

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