Monday, December 19, 2011

Yule Week, Finally!

It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Samhain and here it, already 3 days before Yule. I'm excited, even though I know what I'm getting (I actually picked everything out myself, as did Troy). I love getting together with friends, having ritual together & enjoying each other's company. As much as I enjoy exchanging gifts with our friends, and as disappointed as I was that we wouldn't be doing that this year, it'll be nice to just relax together before we all have to spend that awkward time with our families.

I do love my family, don't get me wrong, it's just strange, putting a bunch of people together, who would never hang out if we weren't related and expecting them to all socialize & have an amazing time. My brothers don't know me, not really, their girlfriends have more in common with them than with me or each other. I love my parents, but I'm always on my guard with them, since you never know what one of them will say that will be offensive and completely unacceptable. I'm happy to go out there, but I'll be relieved when we're on our way home, too.

My mom called me the other day to reschedule from Christmas Eve to Christmas afternoon & early evening, which was good because I was able to give them an idea what our daughter might like, and an idea for our niece too. She mentioned she had some Bealls coupons and some more for another place she likes to shop for clothes & that she & dad would be heading out. I got a couple of other calls from them to verify colors and sizes, but they seemed to be having a pretty good time, even though my mom has hated Christmas for almost as long as I can remember. It really makes me wonder why she keeps doing it, honestly.

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